There's an IRS payment plan for most any situation involving unpaid taxes. Some aren't ideal, but they'll still get you out of debt. Here are 6 payment plans you can choose from. What happens if you owe more taxes than you can pay at once? It's easy to get overwhelmed, but fortunately the IRS gives you option. The best plan for you depends on how much you owe, how quickly you can pay it off, and whether your tax debt is for an individual or a business. First things first You'll need to file any returns for the past few years that you haven't already filed. You don't want to get stuck with a failure-to-file penalty. Double check how much you'll be paying. If you file taxes yourself, it may be worthwhile to have a tax professional look over your return and make sure you owe what the IRS says you do. Don't forget to count any penalties and interest into your total debt. If you owe more than $10,000 it's a good idea to get a tax attor...