Authorized cardholders can glean a ton of benefits by using your credit card. It's convenient, they can build up their credit score, and best of all they have access to your money. But, in the end, you as the primary holder will be held responsible for payments.
Do you know what an additional authorized cardholder is?
It's one of the interesting features of credit cards, and that's lacking in many forms of payment. With a credit card, you can add additional cardholders to your account, usually with no extra charge. However, there are some important benefits and drawbacks to doing so.
How additional authorized cardholders work
With most credit card account, you can request additional cards for authorized users such as family members, or in the case of small business credit cards, employees. You will receive soon another credit card with the user's name on it. This user can then make charges to your account, just like you would. However, the au...