Money. This one word can be very emotionally-charged. You might think you don't have enough of it, or that other people have too much of it. Money triggers jealousy, greed, anxiety, fears, stress, love, gratitude, feelings of freedom and so many other emotions. Some people spend their whole lives in pursuit of it, and no matter how much they have some people still live in fear that it isn't enough. A friend once confided that his father had investments worth in the eight digits and still worked 60-80 hours weeks because he didn't think it was enough. Feelings of lack like that cause stress and anxiety and affect our mental health ... not to mention the toll taken on our emotional, mental and physical health from working so many hours. And PsychCentral in the past has written about the correlation between money worries and depression. But financial wellness, like any other kind of wellness of our lives, comes about when we critically assess our situation, deal with the em...