You've just been handed the bill and you suddenly freeze - How much should you tip? Being a good tipper is one of those things that no one ever really teaches you. Unless you've worked for tips yourself, you really can't know what's normal in a given industry unless you so some research. Here's a quick overview. Restaurants Even though the federal minimum wage is $7.25 who earn at least $30 a month in tips - like restaurant servers - are only required to be paid $2.13 per hour by federal law. They are expected to earn the majority of their wages through tips, which is why it's customary in the U.S. to tip generously on a meal tab. But rules vary from state to state. About two-thirds of states have passed laws requiring tipped workers to be paid more than the $2.13 federal minimum. But how much is enough? Industry standards say to tip wait staff 15% on average or 20% for exceptional service. It's good tipping etiquette to tip bartenders up to 20% or...