At this time of year money and financial worries can be a cause for concern and a source of stress for many people, including your employees. HR Dept's latest #HR blog shows how you give support. Money problems are often exacerbated at this time of the year. Many firms pay staff early in December, and then it's a long haul to the end of January. The reality of what has been spent over Christmas often hits hard. Money and financial worries can be a cause for concern and a source of stress for many people including your employees. From day-to-day necessities like paying rent or buying food and clothes, to larger financial commitments like loan repayment and family dependencies. If left unsupported, money stress can cause all sort of problems, and interfere with a person's well-being and ability to work effectively. Problems such as lack of sleep, an inability to focus, frequent absences from work or worse. The Money and Mental Health Policy Institute reports that a stagg...