(Big Money Smackdown) Let's get right down to it. So, you want to buy a 55-inch high-definition TV for your new apartment, and it costs $1,854. In this corner, we have paying for the TV with cash. In order to pay with cash, you would have to work extra hours and cut back on other expenses. You may decide to sell some things and to pick up a few odd job. Let's say you can save an average of $200 a month. At this rate, you would be able to buy your TV in about 9 months. And, in the opposing corner, we have charging the TV on your credit card. Say your credit card only requires a $25 minimum payment each month, but it charges 20% interest. If you make only the minimum payment, 20% of the leftover amount will be added to the balance. And, this will happen each month until you've paid everything off. At this rate, it will take 109 months, or 9 years, to pay for that TV in full. Plus, you'll be spending an additional $1,669 in interest, making the total cost of the TV $3,523...