Roll over your 401k or 403b. Sell your investments in a panic. Aggressively pay down debt if you don't have an emergency fund. Make a major money decision. Health officials have been telling us all the things to during this coronavirus outbreak: wash hands thoroughly while singing happy birthday, stay inside, keep a social distance of a least 6 feet from other people; and only leave home for essentials. Everyone at Greatvest Tools hopes you're staying healthy, but we're also hoping you can use this time to get your finances in shape! So during this pandemic, instead of telling you what to do, we're going to tell you what not to do with your money. Don't Roll over your 401k or 403b If you've checked your retirement balances at all in the last month, you've probably noticed a pretty precipitous drop, unless your balance has been sitting in cash, which has maintained its value. (Now, on a side note, if your retirement money is in cash, ...