Most people don't keep very good track of all their finances. While you may not know your credit score off the top of your head or have your bank account number memorized, the assumption is that you know what really counts: your everyday expenses. Yet the evidence suggests that when it comes to their budgets. Americans tend to play it by ear more often than they plan it out. A 2018 study found that 35 percent of people report missing a bill simply because they forgot about it. In a world of automatic bill-pay and banking apps, many don't feel it's necessary to keep a close eye on their money until they don't have enough - which, for many, can be too late. To find out just how much Americans know about their own spending habits, we asked 1,500 people if they knew how much they'd spent in the previous month and how they felt about it, discovering: 65 percent of Americans said they don't know how much they spent last month. Gen Z is the least likely generation to...