In your quest for financial wellness, you have probably heard countless times the importance of investing as part of a well-rounded financial plan. While this is true, most articles don't tell you how to invest wisely, what role investments play in your wealth-building journey or even what the Market can tell you. We understand that you want to invest in a way that's aligned with your goals and values. But you can't do that without a clear understanding of what the financial market is, how it operates, and strategies to approach it. In this four-part series, each piece will provide a more holistic understanding of investing and how it works with your financial plan. Today, we'll be defining and demystifying the market to give you a more comprehensive view of how investing works. Breaking It Down The first thing to define is what we mean when we talked about "the market." In most news stories and media outlets, it is often referring to the activity of the U.S...