Learning to use a credit card responsibly is a crash course in adulting. You have to manage your credit limit and resist the temptation to spend more than you can pay back. And you have to balance the value of rewards against the cost of using the card. It's a lot to take in, but using credit can give you the peace of mind of knowing that you could cover a big, sudden expense if you had to. Best Cards To Build Credit Start small and use your network. If your parents are willing to co-sign, you might piggyback on one of their cards just until you get the hang of it. Or do a search for student credit cards, which tend to be easier to qualify for. Secured credit cards require you to put down a deposit, usually between $200 and $500, but you can get one even if you have no credit or poor credit. Show good behavior on a secured card by paying off your balance on time each month and keeping your usage steady, but low, and you likely will see your credit score raise quickly. Pr...