Credit cards present plenty of personal finance and lifestyle perks -- you can build up your credit, have a spending safety net, and sometimes, you can even access cardholder benefits, like flight miles, discounted shopping, and concierge services. But with all of the potentially positive aspects of becoming a cardholder, there's also room for your finances to get...complicated.
According to, the typical American holds four credit cards, and individual households carry an average balance of $8,398 in credit card debt. For many people, this balance can be pretty challenging to pay off, especially if you find yourself in a (seemingly) never-ending cycle of revolving debt. So, how do you put a stop to the cycle?
In this post, we'll go over four strategies you can employ to find credit card debt relief, we'll review their benefits and drawbacks, and help you compare your options to find the best solution for your situation.
What is Debt Relief?
Debt relief is a series of strategies used to help individuals cope with debt. The goal of debt relief is to give indebted individuals some breathing room to repay their creditors, whether that's by extending the length of a loan, reducing interest rates, settling the debt for less money than originally owed, or partially or fully absolving debts through bankruptcy.
Of course, using these debt relief methods can have a major impact on your financial future, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. We'll discuss these options and their associated risks and benefits a little later on in this post.
Should You Seek Debt Relief Options?
Before we jump into debt relief practices, it's a good idea to take a closer look at your finances to see if you need to take measures toward debt relief, and what level of action makes the most sense for your circumstances.
You may be able to handle debt independently if:
- You can reasonably repay your current debts within five years. You may not need to take debt relief action beyond budgeting, by coordinating with your debt collectors, and by managing your other lines of credit.
You might consider debt relief services if:
- You're dealing with substantial credit card debt, and are struggling to work out a repayment solution with your creditors. In that case, you may want to look toward more aggressive approaches to find debt relief. These methods can range from credit counseling to bankruptcy filing, depending on your circumstances and preferences.
Bottom Line: If you're finding it hard to manage your credit card debt, it's probably time to get help in whatever capacity makes sense for your personal finances. For more serious debt, using debt relief measures may be a suitable option.
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